Lunge Jumps


Lunge Jumps are high impact plyometric exercises that develop explosiveness, speed, and agility.  Maintaining a strong posture is of utmost importance.  Performing with unengaged core may cause back strain and other related injuries.  Extend through the ankles and toes to further develop explosive strength in the lower extremity.



  • begin in a stand with one leg forward and core engaged
  • hands can be placed by hips or up by the head
  • bend leading leg until thigh is parallel to the ground, and simultaneously bend rear leg so that shin is parallel to the ground
  • jump in an explosive fashion and allow both feet to leave the ground
  • while airborne, switch legs so that rear leg is now in front, and leading leg is now in rear
  • land softly and lower self back into a lunge
  • repeat jumps and maintain good posture throughout the body

Skill Progression




Lunge Jumps
