Backward Roll to Handstand


Backward Roll to Handstand takes the backward roll to the next level by adding a handstand at the end of the skill.  In order to stabilize the body when pushing up to the handstand, a tight body position must be maintained.  Because this movement requires you to turn upside down, it is advised that this skill be performed over a soft surface or a mat.  Scale by performing backward rolls.



  • begin in a stand
  • follow the initial process of performing a backward roll
  • as body turns over and you feel the pressure against the floor with your hands, begin extending legs and drive toes towards the ceiling while maintaining a tight body position
  • extend elbows to finish in a handstand, keeping in mind not to throw head out and arch the back (head should be neutral and eyes should look at hands)
  • carefully step down to finish in a stand

Skill Progression




Backward Roll to Handstand
