Straight Body Levers


Straight Body Levers are advanced core exercises that can quickly activate the lower back and abdominal muscles.  This exercise requires a solid and stationary object for stability.  Due to its complexity, proper technique must be utilized to avoid injury.  Extra emphasis should be made to maintain a tight position throughout the entire body.



  • lie on back and lift arms overhead to grab onto a stationary object
  • elbows should be completely straight or bent at 90 degrees
  • engage core and glutes, and simultaneously press the small of the back against the floor to allow feet to lift off the floor
  • maintain a tight body position and curl through your chest to allow legs, then torso to follow
  • lift body until toes are pointed towards the ceiling
  • at the pinnacle, your chest should be rounded, while the line from your hips to your toes should be completely straight and vertical
  • slowly lower down to starting position by continuing to keep the entire core system engaged