Back Flip


The Back Flip, commonly known in gymnastics as a back tuck, is an advanced-level acrobatic skill.  The back tuck requires sound jumping fundamentals, superior abdominal strength, as well as good understanding of rotational movement.  Given its complexity, it is not recommended that this skill be trained without proper safety equipments (mats, safety pit, etc) and without the supervision of a trained instructor.



  • begin in a stand with arms overhead
  • swing arms down and behind your body while slightly bending knees
  • avoid dropping chest, instead it should remain fairly upright
  • to jump, quickly swing arms up past the ears while extending the entire body (beginning with chest all the way down to knees and toes)
  • at the apex of the jump, bend knees and drive them as close to your chest as possible
  • maintain the tucked position until you flip all the way around and spot the floor
  • open up the tuck, place feet on the ground, and land softly, ensuring that the knees bend when coming to contact with the floor to lessen the impact felt on your joints