Backward Roll on Rings


Backward Roll on Rings is a gymnastics-based skill that requires superior upper body strength and control.  This skill is commonly used by gymnasts as a transition movement to move from one move to the next but is recently finding its place in the CrossFit world as an effective upper body exercise.  For best result, keep the rings as close to the body as possible and imagine an invisible bar running through the center of the rings that you must rotate your hips around.  Scale by performing strict muscle ups.



  • begin in a hang or support
  • if starting from support, maintain pressure on the rings while rolling backwards to get into an inverted pike position
  • if starting from hang, bend body at the hips and turn body over to get into an inverted pike position
  • from an inverted pike, open hip angle in a quick but controlled fashion and turn body over while keeping the rings as close to the body as possible
  • as you turn over, begin pushing down on the rings towards the ground while keeping chin as close to the chest as possible and maintain a rounded back
  • straighten elbows to finish in a support position