Burpee Pull Overs


Burpee Pull Overs are multifunctional exercises designed to activate the entire body.  The burpee action engages the lower body and the pull over action engages the upper extremity.  When performing this exercise, the bar should be high enough that you can hang without hitting the ground, but low enough that you are able to jump up to it without the assistance of a block.  In order to maximize the benefit of this exercise, focus on maintaining a good rhythm between each burpee and pull over.



  • begin in a stand under a bar
  • legs should be shoulder width apart and core engaged
  • perform a burpee without allowing the back to sag during the pushup phase
  • as you rise from the burpee, immediately jump up and grab onto the bar in an explosive fashion
  • maintain momentum to quickly drive feet up over the bar and rotate hips around the bar to perform a pull over
  • ensure that the back is rounded and chin pressed against chest during the pull over phase
  • extend arms to finish in a support position
  • to continue, either rotate forward and jump off, or simply jump off from support, however make sure to bend knees when coming to contact with the floor to avoid unwanted injury to the knees and lower back