Windshield Wipers on Bars


Windshield Wipers on Bars are advanced upper body exercises that develop superior lat, back, and oblique strength.  Due to the dynamic nature, good postural control is required to avoid injuries – in particular the ability to recruit the core muscles to avoid overarching.  For best results, begin the exercise by bringing the legs as close to the chest as possible before starting the lateral movement.  Scale by performing toes to bar or windshield wipers on the floor.



  • begin in a hang on a bar and engage core
  • bend body at the waist and elevate legs until they are at least 45 degrees above horizontal (even closer if possible)
  • while maintaining the compressed position, laterally lower leg to one direction without allowing legs to plunge past the horizontal plane
  • at or before horizontal, pull leg back up to center and lower to other side